Frequently Asked Questions

  • Grants are an essential component of nonprofit fundraising. In 2019, over $75 billion in grants were awarded to nonprofits across the United States. Grants allow nonprofits to increase their program capacity, diversify their organization’s funding sources, and improve financial stability.

    Grants are notoriously detailed, time-intensive, and deadline-driven, which is why hiring a grant professional can be an asset to your entire organization. The best grantwriters are expert researchers, highly organized, and have the professional writing skills to refresh and hone your language, giving your organization the best chance of securing funding.

    For many organizations, outside grantwriters are simply more affordable than an in-house grant team, and just as effective. When a grantwriter takes over a time-consuming grant project, your team is able to focus their time on the important work they do for the community.

  • Charlotte works with a variety of nonprofit organizations making positive changes in communities, particularly in Western Washington, Northern California, and Montana. She loves working with organizations in the housing, advocacy, education, social services, and humanities sectors. Please contact Charlotte to learn about what experience she brings and if your organization would be a good fit.

  • 1. Sustainable Funding Strategy: Funders often require nonprofits to demonstrate sustainability through diverse and stable sources of funding. Charlotte can support with strategy for creating a funding pipeline.

    2. Grant Preparedness: Organizations will see more success with fundraising if they have accurate data, budget information, project details, and supportive documents on hand.

    3. Project Planning: Grants often require extensive detail, foresight, and planning. Charlotte can help connect your project ideas into a clear proposal.

  • Reputable grant writers and fundraising professionals do not work on commission. Charlotte is a member of the Grant Professionals Association and ascribes to their Code of Ethics, which prohibits her from working on commission. Instead, Charlotte offers an hourly rate or a monthly retainer option.